Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dreaming of American Crafts

Yesterday I sent in a submission for the 2012-2013 American Crafts design team. Making this team has been one of my "pinch me" goals for the past two years. (Pinch me goal: If I actually pull it off you will have to pinch me to prove it's real.) I think it's important to have goals/dreams like these that you go after year after year if necessary. Even if they seem way out of your league. Because if it works out it feels that much more amazing. Trust me.... just being a guest designer for American Crafts was thrilling. One step closer, one goal checked off the-you must be nuts if you think you'll ever get to do that-list.

Here is what I submitted.... This one with delicious Dear Lizzy Neapolitan....

 Gift wrap using different products, mostly from the Chap line.....
 I actually made the confetti tag out of some AC packaging. It held it in perfectly!

Having fun with card making....

A mix of two different Amy Tangerine lines ...

One more card, just because. I have so many AC products to chose from! LOVE!

Another goal/dream for me was being published in a magazine. I made that goal in March of 2011. It felt impossibly out of reach. But since then I have been published 10 times! All it really took was me making the decision to submit and put my work out there. Trying over and over to make it happen. I always say it doesn't hurt to try, and you can't get it if you don't. It's worked in the past and in my heart I feel like one day it will happen with American Crafts too. So wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Very Happy UnBirthday to Me

Ok. So today is technically my 30th birthday. 

But we celebrated yesterday because Hottie has been working like a maniac to get the Lexington Trader Joe's all set up for opening. He couldn't get today off. So I decided that we would just pretend yesterday was my birthday instead. It was awesome. I felt so special all day long. I was spoiled rotten and kinda love that!
Nothing says Happy un-Birthday like a Hamburger Cake with Fries...

 My outfit for the day...
 Which I proceeded to spill ice cream down the front of, but wore anyway. :)

This is what I get when I ask for a photo to be taken of me on my 30th birthday. (Nakiah is such a creative 10 year old! hehe) Hey, at least you can't see the wrinkles....
 and now you see why every photo of me is taken self portrait style in the mirror. Sorry, this means you are familiar with all of my bathrooms...

More on my thoughts about turning the big 3-0 later. For today I am just enjoying time with the kiddos, running some errands, and getting even bigger eating too much cake. Hey, there are some advantages to being pregnant on a birthday. Yum.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Nursery Wheels are Turning

Planning a nursery has been thrilling. I didn't get to do this for my other kids due to space constraints. It really is so cool to walk into his totally empty room a dream of what will be in there in a few short months. Of course I say this but I am just in the brainstorming phase. I narrowed down a concept.... robots and rockets.... color scheme.... cobalt blue and vintage primaries.... and I found a bunch of little details that I want to incorperate. It's a nice start. Want to see the ideas?

A dresser refinished and painted in cobalt. Pretty prints for the wall and bookshelf....
Robot and rocket toys and books, if I can find them.

The decor is built around these epic prints I found on etsy. They are vintage rockets and robots. I should get them in the mail today. I can't wait to see them in person and start making more purchases!

 Like an actual radio flyer rocket....
 This bedding from Ikea is inexpensive and does the job of not distracting too much...

 I'm going to paint a mural on one of the walls like this photo. But I will switch up the style and colors a bit. It's a good jumping off point, and shows you where I am going.
(So cool I get to show the before and after and phases in between!)

And for the part I am most excited about... 
I am going to make this! How cool is that?! 

There aren't a whole lot of nurseries out there with this theme.... at least not many that my limited inter-web skills can find. So I am pulling inspiration from Pinterest and blogs like Lay Baby Lay. I can't wait to start purchasing things, painting the walls, and pulling it all together. Who knew a boy's room could be so much fun?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Accidents Happen

We've been talking a lot about accidents in our house lately. Mostly as it pertains to the potty. But I realized something. Accidents aren't always a bad thing. The other day as I attempted to make some special Father's Day layouts I ended up printing out photos twice the size I normally would. Since I am super cheap the very first thing I thought was, "dang it, look how much ink I just wasted!" Then I decided why not give this bigger size a try? Scrap outside of my comfort zone.

Here are the results....

I have to admit this was a happy accident. These pages are so different from my norm and will really stand out in the album. For both I used the Studio Calico SoCal kit. They came together in about 30 minutes. Gotta love that.

And on the accident tip.... I attempted to add a couple of features to my blog last night and some of the fonts changed randomly. Sadly I can not get it back and my prego brain/patience does not allow the fortitude to set it right. Oh well. Hope you don't hate the changes as much as I do. Maybe one day I will get some actual help with making this little 'ol blog look like I want it.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

When celebrating Father's day today here is a little reminder of just a few of the things a Daddy does....
This is why they deserve a day to go to Lowe's for hours, or crack a few beers and put their feet up, or watch endless hours of golf (SNOOZE! So happy Hottie doesn't watch golf!). But if he did he should be allowed to bore himself to death all darn day long! Because all of the other days he's busy doing this...

Safety supervisor...
 Carnival rider...
 Game player....
 Bubble expert...
 A cozy lap, even on a hot day...
 A picture poser....
 Character corral-er...
 Personal chauffer...
 Jungle gym...
 Coaster support....
 Snack monitor...
 Event coordinator...
 Dad the builder....
 Behavior modifier and navigator...
 frequent Lowe's shopper.... 
 Restaurant guide...
 Kid evacuate-er and shoe holder extraordinaire...
 Tech support...
 Handy man...
 Hugger, kisser, and tuck in guru...

We rely on Hottie for all of these things, and so much more. And he delivers. Big time. These kids could never want for a better Daddy. I just hope they know how good they have it.  

For Hottie: I am so happy to be raising this family with you by my side. We are all so lucky to have you in our lives. You are truly an amazing father. Even after a long day at work, when I am sure the thing you would love to do most is put your feet up, you jump in and help out without one word of complaint. Thank you. And I love that you set such a spectacular example of what a husband and father should be like to our children.... dedicated, fair, loyal, hard working, attentive, reliable, loving, and happy. Someone who, in the 9 years I have known you, has never uttered the words, "I had a bad day." You are the best. I couldn't possibly love you more... or stop wondering how it is that I was so lucky to find you.  Happy Father's Day to the best Dad I know.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Boy oh Boy

I've got baby on the brain and, coincidentally, baby brain. You know that part during pregnancy when you are scrubbing everything in sight while simultaneously making a mental note of all of the things you still need to do and buy before the little bundle arrives? And since multitasking seems to be taken to a whole new level you are also switching from happy to sad to elated to tired to nauseous to self doubt to total and utter contentment.... then promptly forgetting what I was you needed to buy... and craving ice cream. and tuna fish. Yuck, I know.

He says, "hi, still a boy in here...thanks for asking."

Even the fact that I've been there, done that, with this whole being knocked up stuff doesn't seem help any. Hormones have taken over, and every pregnancy is different anyway.  I am completely out of control of what is happening. So strange that this time around I have a SERIOUS aversion to meat (I think this kid is a pescatarian).... can't stand reading any pregnancy books(they give me bad dreams).... or watch any delivery shows on TLC(They make me so anxious! I soaked it up like a sponge before!)... and am already having Braxton hicks.  This is all so new to me. 

But there is good news. I know I'm having a boy. So I can focus all of my nervous energy and sleepless nights (Thank you nausea, for being the one consistent thing in all three pregnancies. Luck be a lady.) towards prepping for him. 

Scrapbook layouts are a great place to start...
 (The one and only time that I will post my child's junk online. Sorry, whatever your name is in there... but who can really tell what we're looking at anyway? I just take their word for it.)

Now on to tackle some of the more practical things I should be doing before he gets here... oh shoot, what were those again? Maybe I'll just get some ice cream. mmmmmmmm. sprinkles.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Washi Wednesday

Did you think I forgot about washi Wednesday? Neeeeeever! I organized my tapes especially for this post....

Isn't it a beautiful sight? I think so. I even bought more today. :) (Birthday month, duh!) One problem: I keep outgrowing my containers. But I'm ok with that.

As I wrote about before, I'm not the only one enamored with these tapes... miss Evareaux plays with them any chance she gets (which isn't that often because I'm a mean Mommy who says, "get out of my office!" every time she crosses the threshold.) Hands off kid.

Ok. Ok. So sometimes she gets away with it...
and inspires me to do a layout like this....
(I guess I am just not getting enough of posting photos of my kid sans pants. Rest assured, she is wearing diapers in these.) Journaling says: So funny to see her captivated by the tapes. Stacking & re-stacking them for hours. It seems even a 2 year old loves her washi.

Making this page is just one great excuse to use TONs of different tapes and mix and match to my hearts content. I also signed up to partake in the Washi Workshop through Studio Calico. I think I'm supposed to be on lesson 3 right now. Oops. But that's what I love about self-paced classes. Whenever I find the time (after training) I'll catch up lickety split.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Potty Time not to be confused with Party Time

I find the title "potty training" to be so fitting. I am getting just as much training as she is. I fully admit I have no idea what I'm doing. I am in way over my head. The first day we had 6 or 7 accidents...and then I accidentally ended up in tears more times than I care to reveal (of course I did this without Ev seeing. stupid hormones make me crazy). But. (Prepare yourself for TMI). We had successes too. Two poops and 4 pees in the potty. Finally towards the end of the day I felt like I might actually have this figured out.

Even though I find it SO difficult to focus on the good and plow forward in this situation. Even though I have serious doubt that I can even pull off potty training while Hottie is at work 14 hours a day. Even though I know in my heart of hearts that this is the one thing I suck at the most as a parent. I am doing it. No turning back. (Trust me, I thought numerous times yesterday about throwing in the diaper.)

Day two has gone a lot better. We have only had one half accident (she caught herself and held it to make it to the potty). But there is a looooong way to go. I can't help but think, how do parents do this? Are they just more patient? More focused? More on top of things? Well, luckily for me I don't really have time to sit and stew about what other parents are doing differently or better. Because I am in the middle of being trained..... I mean training her.... and that means I don't even really have time to be writing this blog. :)

Wish me luck and more peepeee in the potty, PLEASE! And how fitting is this shirt my daughter picked out today?...
Keep calm and train on. I will try, baby, I will sure keep trying.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Countdown to Thirty

It's my birthday month ya'll! It's just a mere 18 days away. Woohoo! (Yes, I am counting down.) This is a BIG birthday. One that, in my humble opinion, requires a whole month of celebrating. The big 3-0. Strange, but the closer it gets the more excited I am to turn 30. Even though it is not quite what I envisioned (I was thinking more along the lines of a Vegas bash with family and friends. Not me almost 7 months pregnant and thousands of miles away.) But hey, I am still excited. I just want to celebrate, and be celebrated. I love birthdays and for some odd reason turning 30 in no way freaks me out. I am just excited to see what my 30's will bring.

That's it. :) Just  selfish little birthday plug....mostly to remind my Hottie to celebrate. (Do you need a list? Cuz for 30 I think I would like some gifts.) :) Oh by the way, thanks for reading my blog babe. You're the best.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Daddy Day

One thing I miss about not working is witnessing the "Daddy Day." We used to call Hottie's days off that because it meant while Mommy was at work and the bros were at school Evareaux had Dad all to herself. Every once in awhile I would meet up with these goofballs on my lunch break. And I would see the funniest things..... crazy bed head, mismatched clothing, random shoes, sometimes pajamas (On her, not him...I mean, the man owns a hat and pants). Definitely Daddy Day styling. I have to say it made me smile.

I just had to make a layout about this, and now that these days are so few & far between I'm glad I did. (Note the hair!!!!)....
Mismatched products and patterns to convey the journaling. 

I think I'm gonna have to make sure they still get some one on one time because I know I'm not the only one that loves these memories. They would both declare, "tomorrow is a Daddy Day!" Every single week. awwwwww. so cute.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Must Scrap Immediately

Before leaving California it was important to me to sneak a quick photo shoot in with the kiddos. Each Spring I take them to a small field down the street that blooms bright and beautiful. Today I finally took the time to look at the results....

My conclusion: Must. Scrap. Immediately.

Do I wish there was a good one of all three of them together? Yes. Do I wish they were looking at the camera more and smiling without shadowed faces? You bet. (I clearly need to work with Nikki more.) But I still think they are so lovely.... and I don't even think of the way that Ev was throwing a big fit and crying that she wanted to go see Grandpa...or that Nakiah refused to smile for a shot until I told him he wouldn't get any dessert.... well, I almost don't remember those things. :) Because you can't really tell anyway.

And when I scrap them I will surely include how Aidan pulled this off by coaxing his siblings into being silly and loosening up a bit because he understood how important it was to me. (YAY for that!) Some things just have to be scrapped.... and blown up really big to put on the wall. :) More on my decor soon.