Monday, March 7, 2016

things that make you go meh.

 Been feeling kinda like this lately... just, meh

Well, not that exactly, I guess. That's actually a photo from before my last bout (thus the makeup).. but it is a pretty accurate visual for how my brain has been the past 2 weeks. 

Not all there.

I haven't been sleeping well and failed to refill a key prescription and have been indulging in more drinks and junk food than normal and had a couple of really frank talks in therapy. It's caught up. I'm like, bleh. and ugh. and ick. and zzzz. all at the same time. Totally not myself.

Hoping to turn it all around soon. Just wanted to let you in on what's up.

In other news... I made this page for Citrus Twist Kits using the March Pocket life and Embellishment kits. I had to share with you here. (and on the Citrus Twist Blog too.)

It was one of those cool out of the box layouts that just sorta happened. I love that, except now I'm realizing I haven't made anything since (even after totally re-arranging and organizing my office... which is weird, because that always helps).. so maybe pages like this actually zap all of the creative out of me and I don't even know it? Oh well, kinda worth it. Hopefully once my brain fixes itself the creativity will restart as well. 

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