Sunday, July 26, 2015


Warning: What you read in this post may include vom-inducing gushiness and shameless, in your face, lovey-doveyness. If you have a weak stomach for this avert your eyes. You've been warned.

Today is my anniversary. Seven years married to this Hottie. Twelve together. How time flies when you're having fun.. good, bad, ugly, we have them all. I wouldn't trade a second of it...

We were married in flip flops in a Las Vegas chapel. Him in his new button up and me in $99 of David Bridals finest. The day of our wedding it rained, my hair person failed to show up, and I lost too much weight to fit properly in the dress (boy I wish I had that problem now!)... yet none of that mattered. Nothing phased me on this day, because I knew I would get to marry this guy...

I felt just plain lucky. Thats the simplest way I can put it. I have sonnets and love songs and odes playing in my head. I could write the longest of poems about our life together.. but at the end of the day it all comes down to how lucky I feel. Lucky to have found my perfect match. My best friend. My support. My love. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I'd have a husband that is so wonderfully my counterpart.... I freak out and he's chill. I sing to every single song on the radio (complete with car-dancing choreography) (yes, I'm that person), and he smiles.. I roller skate and he takes over with the kids. .. he is my everything, and has my heart forever.

Babe, I'd marry you a thousand times over and it still wouldn't feel possible how unbelievably lucky I turned out to be. Thank you for being such an amazing husband. I love the life we've built together... I hope I show you every single day how much you mean to me. Happy anniversary, Hottie. I love you.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Me Series: June/May/April

Remember when I said I was totes caught up on my Me Series pages? Well, here you have them! Three months that I've had done, just waiting in the wings to share. (Totes sharing before I am actually behind.. I have yet to do July's and it will be a small miracle if it actually happens. Hey, 6 out of 7 isn't bad.) Still loving the freedom I have when making these pages and the time capsule feeling...

Broke into some AC papers from my stash and layered the goodness for this one. (have I mentioned how much I love American Crafts and Crate Paper?)

If you want to see more Me Series pages (then I love you! you're my favorite!) click here. and here. and here.

In other news... summer is still kicking my booty. I feel like I have to do all of the things, right this second, every single day.. but then, there's the pool, and sunshine, and a daughter who begs and begs to enjoy both. so we do that.. and then I am behind.. but tan. so yay for stress... and wrinkles.. and feeling like you're coming up short... but! Can't stop won't stop patting myself on the back because I made it this far into summer without counting how many days are left. (there are 29. that seems doable acceptable.) (go ahead and nominate me for Mother of the Year. hehe) So that's me!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Project Life May: part deux

Hey there! The rest of May Project Life is coming at ya! Dug into my stash for these ones...

This week included Nakiahs 13th bday (wha? teenager??) so I included a front and back insert to document the occasion..

So there you have it. May! I told you I had it finished, and photographed for your viewing pleasure. I'll be back with more stuff soon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Project Life: May

Guess what I have in store for you! That's right, you observant human being. Project Life pages! These are from May. Now, I know what you might be thinking.. May pages? Does she realize we are in July now?.. To which I say, yes! But these are the ones I have done and photographed so these are the ones ya get! Some of you may say.. but what about June? And I answer, back off yo, I can't handle all of this pressure! 

The month of June was sitting on my desk but then I printed out my tiny photos a little too teeny so I missed that window of creative opportunity. (the time between mid-day nap for the little and a movie for the 6yr old. what exactly is the longest Disney movie, and how have I not googled that yet? *goes to google* Fantasia. *goes to Netflix* ok I now have 124 minutes) and then I started to get down to business with my teeny tiny photos but my Paper Camellia August box arrived.. and I immediately swept PL aside (very dramatically.. like in the movies when a man clears off his desk frantically to *huhhem* get down to business.)

.. and now I'm in the middle of five of those pages and I don't really know why I'm explaining this to you because I'm sure you don't really care and also how dare you for judging me being behind on project life when I am miss "caught up on project life." what kind of role model does she think she is? And what about those me series pages she's supposed to share each month... haven't seen THOSE in awhile, you scoff. and I say I have them! I swear! I've just been too lazy to share! and also you probably stopped reading awhile ago and if you haven't you're pretty sure I've officially lost it but then you're thinking that you think that often when you read my scrappy life and maybe this poor thing should get some help. this chick is nuts.... and to that I say.... please hold, I have to find the second longest movie because apparently the first 20 min of Fantasia is some old dude talking to the camera about feelings. (way to go, Walt.) ...(it's Cars, by the way. You're welcome.)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Winning (at least in one way)

Guys, I deserve a medal!

I put away all of the laundry!

don't let the cuteness fool you. two seconds before this he was screaming and bashing me in the head with it (ironic!)
Yup, I really did it. After 4 long weeks of washing and drying and folding and placing neat little proud stacks of clean clothes all around the house I finally took that last step... the one I hate, for some strange reason. (some would argue this is the easiest part of doing laundry.. and to them I say, come over any time, you're welcome to put away mine.)

Turns out that four weeks is the capacity for me trying to expertly grab that one piece of clothing without messing up the whole stack... stepping over piles of clean clothes on the floor (yes, there were stacks on my floor... hey, they made it to the closet... just not in drawers.) Picking up the kids clothes from the hallway and refolding them to put back in the basket (since they used it as a space ship and assumed that all of those folded items must be dirty.)

It took over an hour to go room to room and painfully place things in their.. place. It is weird that I love organization but hate this task. (childhood trauma, maybe? it's ok to judge and wonder what's wrong with me. I do it to myself all the time.) There is so much more space in my house now, ya'll! Like, I can see counter tops. It's pretty cool. Maybe now I can start cooking again...

Maybe I'll even move on to making that meal plan/grocery list I've been putting off for weeks... (another task I loathe, but realize it's pretty silly to avoid because it takes no more than 20 minutes and saves me an entire week of wondering what on Earth do I make for dinner and why do I keep ordering pizza even though it makes me sick every time?)

Then again.. I already did the whole, putting away the laundry, thing... let's not get too crazy and check off the entire to do list. I'm not Wonder Woman, after all... and my littles are screaming at each other in the bath right now, and arguing over who has the better bath toy. So I'll have my hands full in a second, wringing little necks and shouting parenting. See you soon!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Paper Camellia July Kit

Well hello there! Two posts in back to back days?! Aca-scusme, but what's happening? It's the first, ya'll, which totally explains it, because it's Paper Camellia reveal day! Here is the July scrapbook kit...

and the add-ons which I'm totes kicking myself for not buying. (I am a stone cold sucker for anything Crate Paper, ya'll.)...

And here's what I made..

Don't you just die for that camera paper?! I'm gonna need at least 4 more sheets, stat

I'm so stoked that I get to work for this company. I've been on the design team for over a year now and it's been a pleasure to watch it grow and thrive. These kits rock my world.. every time one hits the front door it's a mad dash to open it and see what's inside (say hello to movie day, kids, mama's busy.) These kits remind me that I am one lucky gal. now who wants to give me some more scrapbooking work? anyone out there? hello? I do hand lettering too! well, I'll be here if you change your mind. ;)