Sunday, March 8, 2015

Another Day, Another Layout

Popping in today to share another recent layout. I've been scrapping a lot of Dez lately... I mean, look at him, how could I resist? He's pretty much the cutest thing ever. I may be biased. You be the judge..

Especially in his bright yellow skinny jeans. I mean, come on!

There are quite a few ideas for blog posts swirling around in my brain lately..  I haven't made the time to really sit down to write and share what's up around here. It's all been pretty surface stuff, and you know I like to get into the nitty gritty every now and again. So stay tuned... or run screaming and never come back...  see you soon. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing your cute little guy - and yes - HE IS ADORABLE!!! I personally love his yellow jeans - my favorite color is yellow!!! How awesome are those pants??? Great layout and always a gift to see the way you put photos and products together on a page!!!
