So Easter happened. I can't say I was all that ready for it, but I did my best, and the kids didn't seem to notice so I'm calling it a win. Seriously looking forward to next year when we can do lots of fun activities and holiday traditions like hiding eggs and baskets safely. I didn't really manage to take any good photos yesterday but luckily I did snap some last weekend when we attended our community Easter Egg Hunt. So I'll just share those! :)
She was so cute during the hunt. There was candy scattered EVERYWHERE, right in front of her… but she would just do this cute little prance around it with her basket and then move along… no rush, no persistence, she was very choosy about what she picked up but somehow managed to grab a bunch. Fun to watch, I wish I would have gotten video.
Little Mr. hunts like a boss. Dude ran over to the pile of eggs and started hoarding them immediately. He couldn't put enough in his basket, quickly enough. It's like he knew what he was doing! (Although in the 2 and under area they are only supposed to pick up 2 eggs that are empty and trade them in for a prize, so he was way off.) I just let him do his thing for the photo opp.. and then when I went to grab him and empty his basket he clung to them for dear life.
Oh and I dressed him in suspenders AND a bow tie. CUTEST! Seriously, the rest of us need to up our fashion game because he is putting us all to shame.
Mr. Nakiah was too old to hunt. TOO OLD TO HUNT! (How did that happen?) He did consider trying to pretend he was 10 but in the end agreed to a bit more chocolate in his basket Sunday in exchange for being honest… and he didn't seem to mind at all. He giggled and fawned over his little siblings experiences.
And while we were all thinking eggs and bunnies my stepson (our oldest) was taking a driving course. YIKES! So. That was pretty much our Easter experience. Baskets in plain sight, meals lacking ingredients (and too many meat ingredients. really, I planned bacon and sausage and then ham for dinner. holy meat eaters, batman!), missing family, feeling lonely but making to most of it. That's what happened! How was your weekend?
We missed you too! It was pretty low key here in Colorado - I didn't even do baskets. We did discover amber is the game master....she directed the kids at some outdoor games for quite awhile.