Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Anthropologie Workshop

You all know how I LOVE the store Anthropologie. (but can't afford to buy any thing in there. still.) You know that I am drawn to the beautiful clothing, the way it is set up as if you are walking through a home from room to room. You all know I have attempted to move in to more than one of the locations. (i wish i could.) Well the other day while I was window shopping I stumbled upon this gem...

Display workshop? One of a kind crafting? I get to make something that will be a part of one of their elaborate and beautiful displays?! Sign me up! (and I did.) Can't believe that this actually happened to fall during one of Ev's school times.... and my Mom was in town so she watched the baby (and by watched I mean, let him pass out while playing under his jungle.) so I could go kid free. Which turned out to be a really great thing because I could have accidentally hot glued my baby, and that would not be such a pretty display after all. (i digress.)

I won't bore you with too much of the details about how the set up was super fancy shmancy, or how the other ladies I met were so super cool that I instantly wanted to Instagram stalk them, or how an afternoon (really only about 1&1/2 hrs) of time away doing something I never thought I'd be able to take part in (speaking of Instastalking.. I am always ooo-ing and awe-ing at their event photos), in one of my favorite places, was like a taste of heaven.

But I will bore you will a few kind of horribly taken photos of said event (I could have been so much more artsy or careful while taking these with my iPhone... oh well.... they will have to do.) The lemonade was so pretty no one wanted to touch it.....

These were our take home party favors, but I forgot mine (cuz I had to leave early to get my rotten kid.) DANG IT! Oh well... I will just have to make my own....

This is just funny. The sweet woman across from me whipped out her phone and asked if she could take a pic of my lemonade before I drank some.... I swear any other people would be like, "Huh? What now?" But I totally got it (and just had to take a pic of her taking a pic. cuz I'm a nerd like that), and it made me excited to be surrounded by such like minded women all grabbing their cameras to take photos of chocolate covered strawberries, and the lovely plates they were served on, before taking a bite.....

We were working on something for the window display that will go up for Earth day. The theme is recycling (duh.), and we used all recycled materials. I'll have to go take some more pictures once it's up since I have no idea how to explain it to you.... but our teacher, Lauren, did a great job of explaining what it will look like and even showed us some of her sketches (COOLEST job EVER). Long story short, we made carrot tops.. Out of wadded up paper, masking tape, paint, rebar, and spray painted screens (the kind on your window. ouch.) Here's the start of mine...

 Couple of different layers of paint for a more "realistic" look...
Lauren told us what to do for each step and demonstrated....

Then the screens (I say ouch because they were cut into triangles that we then wrapped around the poles and you'd hear, "ouch. ouch. OUCH!" every second or two.) 

 Then we randomly gave each of our leaves a haircut. This was mine. 

I finished just in time to rush out the door to pick Ev up from school (10 minutes late. like a good mom. oops.) It really was one of the best mornings I've had in Lexington. Meeting women. Crafting. Getting poked until I bled. It didn't even matter that I had a TERRIBLE rest of the day (rotten kids.) because I got to do something for me.... and now my crush on Anthro (thats what the cool kids call her.) is a full blown love affair.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! I would have done that in a heart beat too.

    There is a shower curtain that I am dying for from Anthro but it's like $180....No. Not happening. I saw that online, I haven't even been to the store (so as not to tempt myself) and I drive by it practically every day when I go to work!
