There are so many wonderful things about my little 10 year old (I promise, I'll refrain from using the "l" word henceforth.).
So many things I love.
I love his zest for life and how he embracing whatever comes...
I love that he is a shameless goofball...
I love that he isn't afraid to be silly...and actually begged for fake mustaches...
I love that he works hard, no matter what he is doing...
I love that he has a desire to be close to his brother...
and sneak in as many cuddles with her as she allows...
I love that he let's these girls hang all over him, and adore him, and holds their hands any time they want. I love that he is their very favorite boy. (Can't blame them.)....
I love that he is willing to carry his 'lil sisters bright pink backpack around to help out...and doesn't even complain about it....
I love that he let their joint birthday theme be Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to make her happy, and offered his balloon to her without batting an eye when hers popped....
I love his curly hair, his blue/green eyes, and his quick smile....
I love how he embraces new things...
and will bust a move in the middle of a furniture store, (with a cain), if his jam is on...(this kids got some serious moves, let me tell you!)
I love that he finds joy in the littlest of things, like silly straws....
I love that there is just something about him that makes other kids want to be his friend, and adults rave about how good he is. I love his vivid imagination. I love that every teacher he's ever had has said how conscientious he is. I love that he is kind. I love that he always tries to do the right thing. I love his sense of humor. I love that he is very smart and a bit sensitive. I love that he has amazing intuition, and just knows what will make people happy. I love that he strives to be the best person he can be and thinks about the future. I love that he asks the best get-to-know-you questions I've ever heard. I love that he has this soft spot for his sister, and is counting the days to meet his new brother. I even love that every time we sit down to eat a meal he is the only one to strike up conversations about the most random things (he's gonna make great date one day...not too soon though...please slow down!)
So even though it's his Happy day, I am the happiest person...because I get to have him in my life. I get to love him and nurture him, and help him become the amazing man that he is well on his way to becoming. So happy to have this kid, double digits and all, in my life.
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