The week after Thanksgiving meant some much needed down time, Dezi's monthly photo shoot, and some wild color choices on my part. (The bolder the better, I say.)

Tons of photos to include as we get into December....
Still trying to include the every-day-not-necessarily-holiday-moments... since I have my December Daily (in theory) to record those things in detail....
So much journaling to make space for, lots of stories to tell! Almost no room for the date.....or perhaps I almost forgot to include it, you be the judge. :)
No denying we were in holiday mode. Still loving gussying up journal cards with washi tape & using mostly instagrams & those Amy Tangerine letter stickers. I know I'll continue this for 2013....
I also have a full page insert for Christmas Eve/Christmas, 12x12 front and back. Photos galore. :)
Possibly my favorite week of the year ;) when our special visitors came to town....
So, as I stated earlier, I haven't started 2013 yet. But I fully intend to... and will very soon. Before this last year I was always very intimidated my the idea of project life. I know that's not the intention of the format... but the idea of recording an entire year worth of memories week to week seemed like a huge commitment and way over my head. I'm so glad that I took the leap and jumped in with both feet. Not only has it been an intensely effective way for me to document this past year, and one that I really have not had much of a problem keeping up with... but it is something that I have no doubt I will cherish even more in years to come. I'm still very passionate about this process.... and I will share my approach with you soon.
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