Friday, January 11, 2013

Feets Don't Fail Me Now

In an effort to get rid of my pregnancy weight......... and then those extra 20 or so that I had on from before I even got pregnant (whoopsie doops) I've been eating right and exercising regularly. This means I'm back to running! And because I am a freak and must go balls to the wall at all times I pulled the trigger and signed up for a half marathon. at the end of March. in 12 weeks. with no fitness foundation. Sooooooo, that should be fun.

Up until the past couple of weeks I'd been feeling pretty bad about myself. This is a great solution. Races make me feel amazing, like I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. In the mean time I get into shape and am forced to balance training with real life activities. 

Here are some of happy runner me....

 So fast, I'm blurry! hahahahahahahahahahahaha

not. fast. at. all.

I look at these photos now and laugh. I never scrapped them or anything because I was disappointed in how fat I felt I looked. LAME! I WISH I was that "fat" now! Well, soon. Soon I will be only 20 lbs. overweight instead of......... like. 40. And not too long after that I won't be overweight at all! Time to kick butt, baby! Feets don't fail me now!

Note to Self: Stop being so hard on yourself! You suck!

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