Monday, November 19, 2012

Scrapbooking the Little Things

I really enjoy scrapping about everyday life. For me sometimes this goes beyond moments with the people in my life and right to the silliest little thing... like a good cup of coffee, shoes, thoughts on work. Maybe these things wouldn't matter to anyone else.... but that's ok. I have my reasons for documenting them, and that's good enough for me.

Here's what I mean...

"One Last Time," a layout about how I felt setting my alarm for my very last day of work. Even looking at the time on that screenshot makes me tired for my former worker bee self....

Homage to the red cup. No idea why I'm prone to buying more Starbucks during the red cup season. Maybe it's just plain good marketing that suckers me in....

Preserving the epic-ness of my job (now I am a stay at home Mom and can look back and remember how cool I once was.)...

Evareux's tiny Tom sparkle shoes. She refused to slip her foot in these cuties even one time... so of course they deserve a page entitled, "The One's That Got Away."...

So, now you see what I mean. Scrapbooking doesn't have to just be about the people in your life. It can be about the silliest little thing.... I'm grateful for layouts like these because when my kids flip through our books there really aren't many pages about me... but these random ones lend insight into my personality and thoughts on random things in life... in a way they are so very "me."

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