Friday, March 23, 2012

Baby Onesie Bouquet Tutorial

A few weeks ago I made another onesie bouquet. My sister needed it for a baby shower she was attending so I volunteered to make it happen. While I was making it I decided to take some photos (sorry they are not the greatest because I made it late at night and the lighting was bad) so I could post a tutorial here on the 'ol blog-a-rooni....

Let's get started...Here is what you will need...
*1 Pot of your choice(I would pick a small one unless you intend to include a LOT of product)
*Ribbon to tie around the pot
*Enough florist foam to fill the pot at least 3/4 of the way
*Metal Floral Sticks (enough for the amount of baby product you intend to include. I had 12 items)
*Various Floral Stems in the colors of your choosing. For this bouquet I chose yellow and white since it was for a baby boy, and corresponded with the outfits I bought.) Also make sure that you pick up some stems with green leaves or filler. You will need them to fill in the gaps to make it look full.
*Baby products: 4-5 onesies(newborn size)//2 hats// 2 socks//4 washcloths (Your numbers can vary depending on how much/ what you may want to include.

Ok. Ready to roll?...
Let's start with the hat.
 Fold it length wise like so...
 Then tightly roll it up starting at the wider end...
It should look like this...
 Take a wire (I used the fabric kind here, which I do not recommend because they are not very strong. You want to use the wire kind, as I stated earlier.) and wrap it around the bottom of your "bud" about 3/4" from the bottom. Keep the wrap nice and tight and wind int a couple of times. This is what is going to hold your flower together once it leaves your hands...
 Good job! You are on your way! Set that aside and repeat with the other hat.

To create the sock buds lay a pair one on top of the other flat on the table. Roll them tightly together starting at the toes. Once you are rolled take the end with  the openings and fold them back towards the starting point (almost like when you fold the laundry) You can see in this photo how it will look...
This holds the sock nicely in place. Wrap it up and move along.

Wash clothes are the easiest buds to make. Fold them like so...
 Roll, roll, roll, and attach the wire...(make sure to fold the wire ends down like I did in this photo...we don't want to poke the Mama-to-be when she takes it apart)...

Now it's time for the onesies. In my opinion these are the trickiest. Partly due to their size. A really helpful tip in this arena is to purchase newborn size clothing. It is smaller and easier to roll into buds. I did not do that, and mine will probably look bigger and bulkier in the bouquet then yours will.
Ok. Lay the onesie out flat...
 Fold like so...
 Start at the neck and roll as tightly as possible...
 Wrap the end with a stem just like the previous items. Each one you do will look slightly different, just like flowers do! Here are mine all together...

 Now it's time to put together the bouquet. Start with your pot and the foam. You will probably have to use a knife or scissors to shape the foam to the size of the pot. Make sure it comes up to about 3/4 of the way inside and does not wiggle around. This way it can't be seen when the project is complete.
Once that is in place you can start with flower placement...
 I try to fill it out as much as I can with the flowers first. Then I fill in any gaps with the baby goodies. Evenly disperse them throughout the bouquet...Tie a ribbon around the pot for a nice extra touch...
 And that's it! Done! Your lovely homemade gift will be the talk of the shower...

If you have any questions feel free to comment below and I will respond. If not, happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. That's too attractive. I'm giving a baby shower celebration in This summer, I will need to take this thoughts!
