Have you ever found yourself spraying that ink you love so much (cough, cough, Mr. Huey's Limited Edition Neon) only to find your mask looking like this?.....
I just didn't have the heart (no pun intended.. but, hardy har har.) to let mine go to waist... So after spraying the foundation for this page....

I decided to grab a plain sheet of cardstock to lay on top of the inked mask to see what would happen...
It transferred! Almost perfectly! I had virtually no precious ink waste! (If you're laughing at me right now because you're thinking.. "duh, we all do that!.. you just figured this out?!"-- then keep it to yourself, will ya?) (Ok not really, you can totally rub it in if you thought of it first....) (If your'e thinking..."no way! I should have thought of that sooner, before I wasted all of my liquid gold!--- you're welcome...and better luck next time.) Isn't it funny how simple little product stretching techniques can totally make your day? --or am I just a total nerd? (don't answer that last one.)
What a great discovery...and frugal tip as well! I can't decide which I like best! :)
ReplyDeleteGenius idea! Who'd have guessed?! Thanks!